Here is a link to me newest Youtube video. I created this video to open a dialogue to discuss the issues facing photography today. I am NOT stating that photography is actually dead!
Is Photography Dead In 2022-23?
Is Photography Dead?
No (But it has been taken over by short form video ie. Social Media)
What challenges does photography have in 2022-23?
Better Phone Cameras
Computational photography
Provides a camera in over 2 Billion pockets
AI (Alternate Intelligence)
Short Form Video (Til Tok, Reels, etc.)
Better Phone Cameras
Phone cameras have improved drastically
Computational Photography (Software does the exposure, focus & aperture)
Ability to shoot in RAW (sensor collects more data to allow for better post processing)
AI (Alternate Intelligence)
No need for a camera
Websites & Software take the place of the camera
Just type in a description of what you want and the software creates your photo with the ability to edit/tweak the final photo
Getting very realistic/accurate
Getting ver fast
No need to travel or leave our home to create photos
Short Form Video (Tik Tok, Reels, etc)
Tik Tok was the catalst for the popularity of short form video
Other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram & even YouTube became threatened b Tik Tok’s popularity & began changing their algorithms to show preference to video and lower preference to photos
Instagram basically turned it’s back on the same photographers that helped build it into the powerhouse that it is
Are professional photographers still relevant?
Pro photographers still provide a needed service
Pro Photographers know how to compose a photograph
Know more about lighting (natural as well as artificial)
Set trends instead of following them
Post processing
Have digital photos “cheapened” printed photos?
Digital has become the norm
Prints are more expensive & time consuming to create
Digital photos can be stolen much easier than prints